Tavares FL MapStreets of Tavares FLPhotos from Tavares FL

Streets of Tavares, Lake County, Florida - starting with "B" (page 1)

Tavares FL geographical data
City Name: Tavares
Population: 11,684
County: Lake County
State: Florida
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 28.8° N
Longitude: -81.73°W
Elevation: 69 ft / 21 m

Tavares, Lake County, Florida, United States
Explore the streets starting with "B" (page 1) on the map of Tavares

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Streets of Tavares FL (508):

Streets list:

Bahama Cir, Tavares
Baja Ave, Tavares
Barnsley Ln, Tavares
Barons Ct, Tavares
Basin St, Tavares
Bay Rd, Tavares
Bayshore Cir, Tavares
Baytree Blvd, Tavares
Baywater Rd, Tavares
Beauclaire Ct, Tavares
Beauclaire Dr, Tavares
Beaver Run, Tavares
Beechnut Rd, Tavares
Belmont Cir, Tavares
Bengal Ave, Tavares
Bermuda Dr, Tavares
Bettys Ct, Tavares
Beulah Ave, Tavares
Bexley Dr, Tavares
Bimini Dr, Tavares
Birch Blvd, Tavares
Black Dog Ct, Tavares
Blanton Ln, Tavares
Bluegill Ave, Tavares
Bluegill Dr, Tavares
Boardwalk Way, Tavares
Bounty Cir, Tavares
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Tavares in different languages

Таверис (Serbian)
تافاريس (Arabic)
تاوارس، فلوریدا (Persian)
塔瓦雷斯 (Chinese)