Norristown PA MapStreets of Norristown PAPhotos from Norristown PA

Streets of Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania - starting with "B" (page 1)

Norristown PA geographical data
City Name: Norristown
Population: 30,735
County: Montgomery County
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 40.12° N
Longitude: -75.34°W
Elevation: 112 ft / 34 m

Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States
Explore the streets starting with "B" (page 1) on the map of Norristown

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Streets of Norristown PA (445):

Streets list:

Bailey Alley, Norristown
Barbadoes Street, Norristown
Barley Sheaf Drive, Norristown
Barnwood Circle, Norristown
Bassett Lane, Norristown
Bayton Road, Norristown
Bean Road, Norristown
Beaver Hollow Road, Norristown
Belair Circle, Norristown
Berkley Road, Norristown
Berwick Place, Norristown
Betzwood Drive, Norristown
Beyer Lane, Norristown
Birch Drive, Norristown
Birchwood Circle, Norristown
Birchwood Drive, Norristown
Bittersweet Court, Norristown
Blackberry Alley, Norristown
Bodey Alley, Norristown
Boyer Boulevard, Norristown
Boyer Place, Norristown
Brandon Road, Norristown
Briar Lane, Norristown
Brindle Court, Norristown
Bristol Avenue, Norristown
Bristol Court, Norristown
Broadview Lane, Norristown
Brownstone Drive, Norristown
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Norristown in different languages

Noristaun (Azerbaijani)
Norristown (English)
Нористаун (Serbian)
نورس ٹاؤن، پنسلوانیا (Urdu)
ノリスタウン (Japanese)
노리스타운 (Korean)