East Stroudsburg PA MapStreets of East Stroudsburg PAPhotos from East Stroudsburg PA

Streets of East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania - starting with "S" (page 1)

East Stroudsburg PA geographical data
City Name: East Stroudsburg
Population: 10,828
County: Monroe County
State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 41° N
Longitude: -75.18°W
Elevation: 459 ft / 140 m

East Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, United States
Explore the streets starting with "S" (page 1) on the map of East Stroudsburg

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Streets of East Stroudsburg PA (517):

Streets list:

S Courtland St, East Stroudsburg
S Green St, East Stroudsburg
S Kistler St, East Stroudsburg
S Marguerite St, East Stroudsburg
S Smith St, East Stroudsburg
Sandlewood Dr, East Stroudsburg
Sarah Ln, East Stroudsburg
Sarah Way, East Stroudsburg
Savage Trail, East Stroudsburg
Saw Mill Ct, East Stroudsburg
Scarborough Way, East Stroudsburg
Scarbourough Way, East Stroudsburg
Scheller Rd, East Stroudsburg
School Dr, East Stroudsburg
Secor Ave, East Stroudsburg
Secor St, East Stroudsburg
Sellersville Dr, East Stroudsburg
September Cir, East Stroudsburg
Shady Tree Dr, East Stroudsburg
Shawnee Dr, East Stroudsburg
Shawnee Valley, East Stroudsburg
Shubert Rd, East Stroudsburg
Sidorick Ln, East Stroudsburg
Sierra Trail, East Stroudsburg
Sierra Trails Dr, East Stroudsburg
Sky View Ln, East Stroudsburg
Skyview Dr, East Stroudsburg
Skyview Rd, East Stroudsburg
Smith St, East Stroudsburg
Somerset Dr, East Stroudsburg
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Tags: East Stroudsburg streets starting with "S" (page 1), East Stroudsburg satellite view, East Stroudsburg street view.

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