Riva Valdobbia MapStreets of Riva ValdobbiaPhotos from Riva Valdobbia

Streets of Riva Valdobbia, Provincia di Vercelli, Piedmont - starting with "V" (page 1)

Riva Valdobbia geographical data
City Name: Riva Valdobbia
Population: 230
Region: Provincia di Vercelli
Country: Italy
Capital: Rome
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 45.83° N
Longitude: 7.96° EW
Elevation: 1084 m
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Riva Valdobbia, Provincia di Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy
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Streets of Riva Valdobbia (5):

Streets list:

Via degli Alpini, Riva Valdobbia
Via Pietre Gemelle, Riva Valdobbia
Via Real, Riva Valdobbia
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