Indian Springs Court - streets of Williamsburg (Virginia).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Indian Springs Court, Williamsburg, Virginia:
Points of interest located around Indian Springs Court, Williamsburg, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attractions: Pirate's Cove Adventure Golf (1.4 miles) • The Spa of Colonial Williamsburg (0.8 miles)
Institution: College of William & Mary (0.5 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bassett Hall (1.4 miles) • Bruton Parish Episcopal Church (0.6 miles) • Carters Grove Plantation (3.1 miles) • King's Arms Tavern (0.6 miles)
Museums: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum (0.6 miles) • Colonial Williamsburg (2.2 miles) • DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum (0.6 miles) • Muscarelle Museum of Art (0.6 miles)
Popular Area: Duke of Gloucester Street (0.9 miles)
Train Station: Williamsburg Amtrak Station (0.8 miles)
Indian Springs Court on the map of Williamsburg,
Williamsburg satellite view, Williamsburg street view.