West Sacramento CA MapStreets of West Sacramento CAPhotos from West Sacramento CA

Vermont Ave - streets of West Sacramento, Yolo County, California, United States

West Sacramento CA geographical data
City Name: West Sacramento
Population: 41,446
County: Yolo County
State: California
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 38.58° N
Longitude: -121.53°W
Elevation: 16 ft / 5 m

Vermont Ave - streets of West Sacramento (California).
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Streets of West Sacramento CA (635):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Vermont Ave, West Sacramento, California:

Points of interest located around Vermont Ave, West Sacramento, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Fairytale Town (2.2 miles) Sacramento Zoo (2.2 miles)
Convention Centre: Sacramento Memorial Auditorium (2.4 miles)
Institution: Sacramento City College (2.8 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: California State Library (1.8 miles) Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament (2.1 miles) Sacramento Tower Bridge (1.5 miles) Ziggurat Building (1.5 miles)
Museums: California Museum for History Women and the Arts (1.8 miles) California State Capitol Museum (2 miles) California State Military Museum (1.7 miles) California State Railroad Museum (1.8 miles) Crocker Art Museum (1.4 miles) Discovery Museum Gold Rush History Center (1.8 miles) Second Saturdays Art Walk (2.5 miles) Towe Auto Museum (0.9 miles)
Parks: Cesar Chavez Park (2.1 miles) City Plaza Park (2.1 miles) Governor's Mansion State Historic Park (2.5 miles) Leland Stanford Mansion State Park (1.8 miles)
Shopping Area: Westfield Downtown Plaza (1.8 miles)
Theatres: Community Center Theater (2.2 miles) Crest Theatre (2.1 miles) Eagle Theater (1.8 miles) Sacramento Theatre Company (2.5 miles) Thistle Dew Dessert Theatre (2.4 miles)
Train Station: Sacramento Amtrak Station (1.9 miles)

Tags: Vermont Ave on the map of West Sacramento, West Sacramento satellite view, West Sacramento street view.

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