Union City NJ MapStreets of Union City NJPhotos from Union City NJ

Dodd Street - streets of Union City, Hudson County, New Jersey, United States

Union City NJ geographical data
City Name: Union City
Population: 66,121
County: Hudson County
State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 40.78° N
Longitude: -74.02°W
Elevation: 157 ft / 48 m
Districts: Diamond District, Lower Manhattan,

Dodd Street - streets of Union City (New Jersey).
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Streets of Union City NJ (98):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Dodd Street, Union City, New Jersey:

Points of interest located around Dodd Street, Union City, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Canal Street (3.6 miles) New York Yacht Club (2.6 miles) Theatre District New York (2.4 miles)
Borough: Manhattan (2.5 miles)
Convention Centres: Jacob Javits Convention Center (1.5 miles) Penn Plaza Pavilion (2.1 miles)
Institutions: Fashion Institute of Technology (2.3 miles) Institute of Culinary Education (2.6 miles) New York University (3.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Castle Clinton National Monument (2.1 miles) Columbus Circle (2.5 miles) Empire State Building (2.6 miles) Flatiron Building (2.7 miles) New York Public Library (2.6 miles)
Museums: Center for Jewish History (2.7 miles) Children's Museum of the Arts (3.6 miles) Forbes Galleries (2.9 miles) Ground Zero Museum Workshop (2.2 miles) International Center for Photography (2.6 miles) Lower East Side Tenement Museum (4 miles) Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum (2.2 miles) Merchant's House Museum (3.3 miles) Museum of Sex (2.7 miles) New York City Fire Museum (3.1 miles) Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art (2.5 miles) The Morgan Library & Museum (2.8 miles) Time Warner Center (2.5 miles)
Parks: Bryant Park (2.6 miles) Gramercy Park (3.1 miles) Randall's Island New York (2.4 miles) Washington Square Park (3.1 miles)
Popular Areas: Broadway (2.5 miles) Madison Square (2.7 miles) The Meatpacking District (2.1 miles) Theatre District (2.4 miles) Times Square (2.4 miles)
Shopping Areas: Macy's New York (2.4 miles) Toys R Us at Times Square (2.4 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Giants Stadium (4 miles) Madison Square Garden (2.3 miles) Meadowlands Entertainment Complex (3.6 miles)
Theatres: Beacon Theatre (2.7 miles) Bowery Ballroom (3.7 miles) Broadway Theatre (2.5 miles) Carnegie Hall (2.6 miles) Circle in the Square Theatre (2.4 miles) Ed Sullivan Theater (2.5 miles) Gershwin Theatre (2.4 miles)

Tags: Dodd Street on the map of Union City, Union City satellite view, Union City street view.

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