Tempe AZ MapStreets of Tempe AZPhotos from Tempe AZ

N Myrtle Ave - streets of Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona, United States

Tempe AZ geographical data
City Name: Tempe
Population: 158,625
County: Maricopa County
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 33.41° N
Longitude: -111.91°W
Elevation: 1194 ft / 364 m

N Myrtle Ave - streets of Tempe (Arizona).
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Streets of Tempe AZ (587):

Some places to see and things to do, close to N Myrtle Ave, Tempe, Arizona:

Points of interest located around N Myrtle Ave, Tempe, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attraction: Phoenix Zoo (0.7 miles)
Convention Centre: Scottsdale Civic Center (2.4 miles)
Institution: Arizona State University (2.7 miles)
Landmark / Monument: Tovrea Castle (2.1 miles)
Museums: Arizona Military Museum (1.5 miles) Hall of Flame Museum of Firefighting (1 miles) Ostrovsky Fine Art (2.5 miles) Pueblo Grande Museum (2.8 miles) Scottsdale Historical Museum (2.5 miles) Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (2.4 miles) Shemer Art Center and Museum (3.8 miles) Ziegler Fiesta Bowl Museum (3 miles)
Parks: Desert Botanical Garden (0.5 miles) Eldorado Park (1.5 miles) Papago Park (0.6 miles) Vista Del Camino Park (1.4 miles)
Shopping Areas: Chinese Cultural Center (2.9 miles) Scottsdale Fashion Square (3.1 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Phoenix Municipal Stadium (1 miles) Scottsdale Stadium (2.2 miles) Sun Devil Stadium (2.2 miles)
Theatre: Scottsdale Center for the Arts (2.5 miles)

Tags: N Myrtle Ave on the map of Tempe, Tempe satellite view, Tempe street view.

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Tempe in different languages

Tempe (Polish, French, German, Dutch, Esperanto, English, Ido, Portuguese, Swedish)
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Темпе (Russian, Chechen)
Темпи (Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian)
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تمپی، آریزونا (Persian)
ٹیمپے، ایریزونا (Urdu)
テンピ (Japanese)
坦佩 (Chinese)
템피 (Korean)