South Valley NM MapStreets of South Valley NMPhotos from South Valley NM

Lark Avenue Southwest - streets of South Valley, New Mexico, United States

South Valley NM geographical data
City Name: South Valley
Population: 39,508
County: Bernalillo County
State: New Mexico
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 35.01° N
Longitude: -106.68°W
Elevation: 4928 ft / 1502 m

Lark Avenue Southwest - streets of South Valley (New Mexico).
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Streets of South Valley NM (674):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Lark Avenue Southwest, South Valley, New Mexico:

Points of interest located around Lark Avenue Southwest, South Valley, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Albuquerque Aquarium (2.5 miles) Rio Grande Botanic Garden (2 miles) Rio Grande Zoo (2 miles) Tingley Beach (2.1 miles)
Convention Centre: Albuquerque Convention Center (3.1 miles)
Institution: Jane Butel Cooking School (2.9 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Old Town Plaza (2.8 miles) San Felipe De Neri Church (2.8 miles)
Museums: Explora Science Center (3 miles) LodeStar Astronomy Center (3 miles) Museum of Turquoise (2.7 miles) National Atomic Museum (3.4 miles) National Hispanic Cultural Center (2.1 miles) New Mexico Museum of Natural History (3 miles) Rattlesnake Museum (2.8 miles) The Albuquerque Museum (2.9 miles)
Shopping Areas: Bien Mur Indian Market Center (2.8 miles) Gertrude Zachary (2.8 miles) Old Town Albuquerque (2.7 miles)
Theatres: Albuquerque Little Theatre (2.6 miles) Kimo Theatre (2.8 miles)
Train Station: Albuquerque Amtrak Station (2.9 miles)

Tags: Lark Avenue Southwest on the map of South Valley, South Valley satellite view, South Valley street view.

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