Patterson Dr - streets of South Daytona (Florida).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Patterson Dr, South Daytona, Florida:
Points of interest located around Patterson Dr, South Daytona, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: Daytona Beach Airport (2.6 miles)
Attraction: Angell & Phelps Chocolate Factory (2.9 miles)
Institutions: Bethune-Cookman College (3.2 miles) • Daytona State College (3.1 miles)
Landmark / Monument: Daytona Beach Drive-In Church (2.4 miles)
Museums: Halifax Historical Society (2.8 miles) • Museum of Arts and Sciences (2.1 miles) • Southeast Museum of Photography (3.1 miles)
Park: Tuscawilla Park (2.6 miles)
Shopping Areas: Destination Daytona (2.9 miles) • Volusia Mall (3.5 miles) • Wal-Mart Supercenter (1 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Jackie Robinson Ballpark (2.9 miles)
Theatres: News Journal Center (3.3 miles) • Seaside Music Theater (2.7 miles)
Patterson Dr on the map of South Daytona,
South Daytona satellite view, South Daytona street view.