North Lake Drive - streets of Shorewood (Wisconsin).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to North Lake Drive, Shorewood, Wisconsin:
Points of interest located around North Lake Drive, Shorewood, within 30 minutes walking distance.Convention Centre: Milwaukee City Hall (3.8 miles)
Institution: University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (0.8 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Cathedral of St John Evangelist (3.7 miles) • Riverwalk Plaza (3.3 miles)
Museums: America's Black Holocaust Museum (3 miles) • Charles Allis Art Museum (2.6 miles) • Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum (2.3 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Bradley Center (3.9 miles) • US Cellular Arena (4 miles)
Theatres: Milwaukee Youth Arts Center (3.3 miles) • Pabst Theater (3.9 miles)
North Lake Drive on the map of Shorewood,
Shorewood satellite view, Shorewood street view.