E Ashby Pl - streets of San Antonio (Texas).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to E Ashby Pl, San Antonio, Texas:
Points of interest located around E Ashby Pl, San Antonio, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: San Antonio Botanical Gardens (2 miles)
Convention Centre: Tower of the Americas (2.1 miles)
Institutions: Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center (2.6 miles) • Southwest School of Art & Craft (1.2 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Alamo (1.6 miles) • First Presbyterian Church San Antonio (1.4 miles) • Guenther House (2.6 miles) • Japanese Tea Gardens (1 miles) • San Antonio Public Library (1.2 miles) • San Fernando Cathedral (1.8 miles) • Spanish Governor's Palace (1.7 miles) • Tower Life Building (1.8 miles) • Yturri-Edmunds San Antonio (3.4 miles)
Museums: Buckhorn Saloon & Museum (1.6 miles) • McNay Art Museum (3.1 miles) • San Antonio Children's Museum (1.5 miles) • San Antonio Museum of Art (0.9 miles) • San Antonio Zoological Gardens and Aquarium (1.2 miles) • Witte Museum (1.6 miles)
Parks: Brackenridge Park (1 miles) • Casa Navarro Historic Park (1.8 miles) • Milam Park San Antonio (1.7 miles)
Shopping Areas: Rivercenter (1.8 miles) • San Antonio River Walk (1.8 miles) • Village Weavers (1.9 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Alamodome (2.3 miles)
Theatres: Aztec On the River (1.7 miles) • Charline Mc Combs Empire Theatre (1.6 miles) • Majestic Theatre (1.6 miles) • Sunken Garden Theatre (1 miles)
Train Station: San Antonio Amtrak Station (2.2 miles)
E Ashby Pl on the map of San Antonio,
San Antonio satellite view, San Antonio street view.