Rollingwood TX MapStreets of Rollingwood TXPhotos from Rollingwood TX

Rock Way Cove - streets of Rollingwood, Travis County, Texas, United States

Rollingwood TX geographical data
City Name: Rollingwood
Population: 1,339
County: Travis County
State: Texas
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 30.28° N
Longitude: -97.79°W
Elevation: 597 ft / 182 m

Rock Way Cove - streets of Rollingwood (Texas).
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Streets of Rollingwood TX (16):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Rock Way Cove, Rollingwood, Texas:

Points of interest located around Rock Way Cove, Rollingwood, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Barton Springs Pool (1.2 miles) Deep Eddy Pool (0.6 miles) Zilker Botanical Garden (1.2 miles)
Convention Centre: Austin Convention Center (2.8 miles)
Institutions: Capitol Visitors Center (2.6 miles) St Edward's University (3.5 miles) University of Texas at Austin (2.9 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Congregation Beth Israel (3 miles) Congress Avenue Bridge (2.5 miles) Dell Computer Headquarters (2 miles) Governor's Mansion Austin (2.4 miles) Texas State Capitol (2.6 miles)
Museums: Austin Children's Museum (2.5 miles) Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum (2.7 miles) Jack S Blanton Museum of Art (2.4 miles) Mexic-Arte Museum (2.5 miles) Neill-Cochran House Museum (2.2 miles) O. Henry House Museum (2.8 miles) Old Bakery & Emporium (2.5 miles) Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum (1.5 miles)
Parks: Mayfield Park Cottage & Gardens (2.5 miles) Waterloo Park (2.8 miles) Zilker Metropolitan Park (1.1 miles)
Theatre: Hyde Park Theatre (3.6 miles)
Train Station: Austin Amtrak Station (1.8 miles)

Tags: Rock Way Cove on the map of Rollingwood, Rollingwood satellite view, Rollingwood street view.

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