Providence RI MapStreets of Providence RIPhotos from Providence RI

Narragansett Boulevard - streets of Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Providence RI geographical data
City Name: Providence
Population: 177,595
County: Providence County
State: Rhode Island
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 41.82° N
Longitude: -71.41°W
Elevation: 10 ft / 3 m

Narragansett Boulevard - streets of Providence (Rhode Island).
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Streets of Providence RI (1772):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Narragansett Boulevard, Providence, Rhode Island:

Points of interest located around Narragansett Boulevard, Providence, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Big Blue Bug (1.4 miles) Federal Hill (2.8 miles)
Convention Centres: Dunkin Donuts Center (2.6 miles) Rhode Island Convention Center (2.6 miles)
Institutions: Brown University (2.6 miles) Johnson and Wales University (2.4 miles) Rhode Island Hospital (1.7 miles) Rhode Island School of Design (2.6 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: First Baptist Church of America (2.7 miles) Kennedy Plaza (2.7 miles) Providence Athenaeum (2.6 miles) Providence City Hall (2.6 miles) Rhode Island State House (3 miles)
Museums: Culinary Archives & Museum (0.3 miles) John Brown House (2.4 miles) Museum of Rhode Island History (2.5 miles)
Parks: Roger Williams National Memorial (3 miles) Roger Williams Park (1 miles) Roger Williams Park Zoo (1.2 miles) Waterplace Park (2.8 miles)
Shopping Areas: Providence Place Mall (2.8 miles) Thayer Street (2.8 miles) Westminster Arcade (2.6 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Bank of America Skating Center (2.6 miles)
Theatre: Providence Performing Arts Center (2.4 miles)
Train Station: Providence Amtrak Station (3 miles)

Tags: Narragansett Boulevard on the map of Providence, Providence satellite view, Providence street view.

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Providence in different languages

Providence (Basque, Occitan (post 1500), French, Dutch, English, Ido, Slovak, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Indonesian, Esperanto, German, Portuguese, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish)
Providensa (Latvian)
Providensas (Lithuanian)
Providentia (Latin)
Πρόβιντενς (Modern Greek (1453-))
Провіденс (Ukrainian)
Провідэнс (Belarusian)
Провиденс (Serbian, Russian, Kirghiz, Macedonian)
Провидънс (Bulgarian)
Փրովիդենս (Armenian)
פראווידענס (Yiddish)
פרובידנס (Hebrew)
بروفيدنس (Arabic)
پراویدنس (Persian)
پروویڈنس، روڈ آئلینڈ (Urdu)
प्राविडेन्स् (Sanskrit)
प्रॉव्हिडन्स (Marathi)
प्रोभिडेन्स (Pali)
பிராவிடென்ஸ் (Tamil)
พรอวิเดนซ์ (Thai)
プロビデンス (Japanese)
プロヴィデンス (Japanese)
普罗维登斯 (Chinese)
프로비던스 (Korean)