Operetta Way - streets of Paradise (Nevada).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Operetta Way, Paradise, Nevada:
Points of interest located around Operetta Way, Paradise, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: McCarran International Airport (1.7 miles)
Attraction: Shark Reef At Mandalay Bay (3.1 miles)
Convention Centre: Mandalay Bay Convention Center (3.1 miles)
Institution: University of Nevada Las Vegas (3.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bali Hai Golf Club (2.6 miles) • Ka Theatre - Cirque de Soleil (3.4 miles)
Museums: King Tuts Tomb & Museum (3.3 miles) • Liberace Museum (2.5 miles) • Marjorie Barrick Museum (3.2 miles) • Pinball Hall of Fame (3.1 miles)
Park: Sunset Park (1.6 miles)
Shopping Areas: Gun Store Las Vegas (2.9 miles) • The District at Green Valley Ranch (4 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Cox Pavillion (3.2 miles) • MGM Grand Arena (3.4 miles) • Thomas & Mack Center (2.7 miles)
Theatre: Harmon Theatre At Krave (3.8 miles)
Train Station: Bally's / Paris Las Vegas (3.8 miles)
Operetta Way on the map of Paradise,
Paradise satellite view, Paradise street view.