Vala Circle - streets of North Las Vegas (Nevada).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Vala Circle, North Las Vegas, Nevada:
Points of interest located around Vala Circle, North Las Vegas, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: Fremont Street Experience (2.3 miles)
Institution: Arts Factory (3.2 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Graceland Wedding Chapel (2.7 miles) • Greyhound Bus Terminal (2.5 miles) • Las Vegas City Hall (2 miles) • Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort (1.5 miles) • Shalimar Wedding Chapel (3.2 miles) • The Little White Wedding Chapel (3.2 miles) • Wee Kirk O'the Heather (2.4 miles)
Museums: Las Vegas Natural History Museum (1.5 miles) • Lied Discovery Children's Museum (1.6 miles) • Neon Museum (1.1 miles) • Planetarium and Observatory (2 miles)
Park: Stratosphere Tower (3.8 miles)
Popular Areas: Gamblers Book Shop (2.6 miles) • Little Chapel of the Flowers (3.6 miles)
Shopping Area: Village Square Commercial Center (3.8 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Cashman Field Center (1.4 miles)
Vala Circle on the map of North Las Vegas,
North Las Vegas satellite view, North Las Vegas street view.