Newport RI MapStreets of Newport RIPhotos from Newport RI

Yznaga Avenue - streets of Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States

Newport RI geographical data
City Name: Newport
Population: 25,818
County: Newport County
State: Rhode Island
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 41.49° N
Longitude: -71.31°W
Elevation: 26 ft / 8 m

Yznaga Avenue - streets of Newport (Rhode Island).
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Streets of Newport RI (564):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Yznaga Avenue, Newport, Rhode Island:

Points of interest located around Yznaga Avenue, Newport, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Cliff Walk (1.8 miles) Easton Beach (2.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Belcourt Castle (0.1 miles) Fort Adams (2.1 miles) Newport Harbor Lighthouse (2.5 miles) Old Stone Mill (1.8 miles) Redwood Library and Athenaeum (1.9 miles) The Breakers (0.8 miles) The Elms (1.3 miles) Touro Synagogue (2.1 miles)
Museums: Beechwood Mansion (0.2 miles) Chateau-Sur-Mer (0.8 miles) International Tennis Hall Of Fame (1.6 miles) Marble House (0.2 miles) Museum of Newport History (2.1 miles) Naval War College Museum (3.4 miles) Newport Art Museum (1.8 miles) Rosecliff (0.4 miles) Rough Point (0.2 miles)
Shopping Area: Bowens Wharf (1.9 miles)

Tags: Yznaga Avenue on the map of Newport, Newport satellite view, Newport street view.

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