Frederick Lane - streets of Newport (Kentucky).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Frederick Lane, Newport, Kentucky:
Points of interest located around Frederick Lane, Newport, within 30 minutes walking distance.Landmarks / Monuments: Carew Tower Place (2.5 miles) • Fountain Square (2.6 miles) • John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge (2 miles) • Newport Southbank Bridge (2.1 miles) • Scripps Center (2.3 miles)
Museums: Cincinnati Art Museum (3.2 miles) • Cincinnati Fire Museum (3 miles) • Cincinnati Museum Center Union Terminal (3.6 miles) • Krohn Conservatory (3.1 miles) • National Underground Railroad Freedom Center (2.3 miles) • Taft Museum of Art (2.3 miles)
Parks: Eden Park (3 miles) • Theodore M Berry International Park (2.6 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Cinergy Field (2.2 miles) • Great American Ballpark (2.2 miles) • Paul Brown Stadium (2.4 miles) • U S Bank Arena (2.1 miles)
Theatre: Music Hall (3.1 miles)
Train Station: Cincinnati Amtrak Station (3.6 miles)
Frederick Lane on the map of Newport,
Newport satellite view, Newport street view.