Juneau AK MapStreets of Juneau AKPhotos from Juneau AK

Maier Drive - streets of Juneau, Juneau City and Borough, Alaska, United States

Juneau AK geographical data
City Name: Juneau
Population: 30,711
County: Juneau City and Borough
State: Alaska
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 58.3° N
Longitude: -134.42°W
Elevation: 0 ft / 0 m
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Maier Drive - streets of Juneau (Alaska).
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Juneau in different languages

Cuno (Azerbaijani)
Džunas (Lithuanian)
Džūno (Latvian)
Iunellum (Latin)
Juneau (Czech, Ido, Turkish, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, English, Slovak, Occitan (post 1500), Indonesian, Dutch, Spanish, Basque, Polish, Italian, French, Esperanto, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish)
Tisaantikii Hiinii (Inupiaq)
Τζούνο (Modern Greek (1453-))
Џуно (Macedonian, Serbian)
Джуна (Belarusian)
Джуно (Bulgarian, Ossetian, Russian, Ukrainian, Chechen)
Жуно (Kirghiz)
Ջունո (Armenian)
גונו (Hebrew)
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جونو، آلاسکا (Persian)
جونیاؤ، الاسکا (Urdu)
جونیا‌ؤ (Urdu)
जुनू (Marathi)
जुनो (Sanskrit)
जुन्यु (Pali)
ଜୁନୋ (Oriya (macrolanguage))
ஜூனோ (Tamil)
ჯუნო (Georgian)
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朱諾 (Chinese)
주노 (Korean)