Fairfield Avenue - streets of Indianapolis (Indiana).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Fairfield Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana:
Points of interest located around Fairfield Avenue, Indianapolis, within 30 minutes walking distance.Institution: American Legion National Headquarters (3.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (3.5 miles) • Crown Hill Cemetery (1.2 miles) • Indiana War Memorial (3.4 miles) • Oldfields Lilly House and Gardens (2.1 miles) • President Benjamin Harrison Home (2.6 miles) • Scottish Rite Cathedral (3.2 miles)
Museums: Crispus Attucks Museum (3 miles) • Dean Johnson Gallery (3.1 miles) • Hook's Drug Store Museum (0.4 miles) • Indiana Historical Society (3.7 miles) • James Whitcomb Riley Home Museum (3.4 miles) • Morris-Butler House Museum (2.6 miles) • National Art Museum of Sport (3.6 miles) • The Children's Museum of Indianapolis (1.1 miles)
Park: George Washington Park (1.5 miles)
Theatres: American Cabaret Theatre (3.3 miles) • Madame Walker Theatre Center (3.4 miles) • Murat Centre (3.2 miles)
Fairfield Avenue on the map of Indianapolis,
Indianapolis satellite view, Indianapolis street view.