Goleta CA MapStreets of Goleta CAPhotos from Goleta CA

Pitos St - streets of Goleta, Santa Barbara County, California, United States

Goleta CA geographical data
City Name: Goleta
Population: 28,351
County: Santa Barbara County
State: California
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 34.44° N
Longitude: -119.83°W
Elevation: 72 ft / 22 m

Pitos St - streets of Goleta (California).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Pitos St, Goleta, California:

Points of interest located around Pitos St, Goleta, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Leadbetter Beach (2.3 miles) West Beach (1.5 miles)
Institution: Westmont College (2.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Burton Mound (1.6 miles) El Presidio Real de Santa Bárbara (1.8 miles) Hill-Carrillo Adobe (2 miles) Stearns Wharf (1.4 miles)
Museums: Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum (2.1 miles) Museum of Natural History Santa Barbara (3 miles) Santa Barbara Botanical Garden (3.4 miles) Santa Barbara Maritime Museum (2 miles) Santa Barbara Museum of Art (2.1 miles)
Parks: Alameda Park (2.2 miles) Alice Keck Memorial Garden (2.2 miles) De la Guerra Plaza (1.8 miles) Santa Barbara Zoo (0.1 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Santa Barbara Bowl (1.7 miles)
Theatres: Arlington Theatre (2.3 miles) Lobero Theater (1.9 miles) Santa Barbara Symphony Orchestra (2.7 miles)

Tags: Pitos St on the map of Goleta, Goleta satellite view, Goleta street view.

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