Galveston TX MapStreets of Galveston TXPhotos from Galveston TX

Saladia St - streets of Galveston, Galveston County, Texas, United States

Galveston TX geographical data
City Name: Galveston
Population: 56,420
County: Galveston County
State: Texas
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 29.3° N
Longitude: -94.8°W
Elevation: 3 ft / 1 m
Districts: The Strand,

Saladia St - streets of Galveston (Texas).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Saladia St, Galveston, Texas:

Points of interest located around Saladia St, Galveston, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Airport: Scholes International Airport (1.8 miles)
Attractions: Bungee Fun (2.5 miles) Galveston Duck Tours (2.4 miles) Galveston Island Golf Course (2.4 miles) Galveston Segway (3 miles) Island Bowl (1.7 miles) Island Carriages (2.5 miles) Magic Carpet Golf (2.5 miles) Moody Gardens Golf Course (2.6 miles) Schlitterbahn Waterpark (1.6 miles) Treasure Isle Tour Train (2.6 miles)
Business Areas: Galveston Convention (0.3 miles) Galveston Visitors Bureau (3.1 miles) Stewart Title Co. (2.9 miles)
Institution: Galveston College (1.3 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bishop's Palace (3.2 miles) Galveston County Probate Court (1 miles) Menard House (1.8 miles) Moody Medical Library (3.7 miles) One Moody Plaza (3 miles) Rosenberg Library Association (2.6 miles) St Joseph's Church (2.6 miles)
Museums: Ashton Villa House Museum (2.6 miles) Buchanan Gallery (2.7 miles) Galveston Arts Center (2.9 miles) Galveston County Historical Museum (2.8 miles) Galveston Railroad Museum (2.7 miles) Lone Star Flight Museum (1.7 miles) Moody Mansion Museum (2.4 miles) Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig and Museum (3.1 miles) Seawolf Park (3.5 miles)
Park: Moody Gardens (1.6 miles)
Popular Areas: Balinese Room (2.6 miles) Seawall Boulevard (0.9 miles)
Theatres: Grand 1894 Opera House (2.9 miles) Great Storm Theater (3 miles) Imax 3D Theater - Moody Gardens (1.5 miles) Strand Theatre (2.8 miles)
Train Station: Port of Galveston Cruise (2.7 miles)

Tags: Saladia St on the map of Galveston, Galveston satellite view, Galveston street view.

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