Wallace Street - streets of Fredericksburg (Virginia).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Wallace Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia:
Points of interest located around Wallace Street, Fredericksburg, within 30 minutes walking distance.Business Area: Blue & Gray Brewing Co (2.9 miles)
Convention Centre: Paragon Training Center (2.3 miles)
Institution: University of Mary Washington (1.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: A Smith Bowman Distillery (2.6 miles) • George Washington's Ferry Farm (1.9 miles) • Kenmore Plantation (1 miles) • Mary Washington House (1 miles)
Museums: Fredericksburg Area Museum & Cultural Center (1.2 miles) • Hugh Mercer Apothecary (1.2 miles) • James Monroe Museum and Memorial Library (1.2 miles) • Us National Slavery Museum (2.5 miles)
Parks: Alum Spring Park (0.7 miles) • Central Park Fredericksburg (2.2 miles) • Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park (1.2 miles) • Fredericksburg Confederate Cemetery (1.6 miles) • Hurkamp Park (1.2 miles)
Shopping Areas: Design Center of Fredericksburg (1.9 miles) • Fredericksburg Shopping Center (0.9 miles) • Spotsylvania Towne Centre (2.5 miles) • Westwood Shopping Center Fredericksburg (1.6 miles)
Theatre: Riverside Center Dinner Theatre (1.9 miles)
Train Station: Amtrak Station Fredericksburg (1.5 miles)
Wallace Street on the map of Fredericksburg,
Fredericksburg satellite view, Fredericksburg street view.