Fredericksburg VA MapStreets of Fredericksburg VAPhotos from Fredericksburg VA

Madison Court - streets of Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

Fredericksburg VA geographical data
City Name: Fredericksburg
Population: 20,562
County: City of Fredericksburg
State: Virginia
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 38.3° N
Longitude: -77.46°W
Elevation: 49 ft / 15 m

Madison Court - streets of Fredericksburg (Virginia).
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Streets of Fredericksburg VA (3040):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Madison Court, Fredericksburg, Virginia:

Points of interest located around Madison Court, Fredericksburg, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attraction: Trolley Tours of Fredericksburg (2.2 miles)
Convention Centre: Paragon Training Center (1.8 miles)
Landmark / Monument: Cannon Ridge Golf Club (3.1 miles)
Museum: Us National Slavery Museum (1.6 miles)
Parks: Central Park Fredericksburg (1.9 miles) The Bug Box Fredericksburg (2.9 miles)
Shopping Areas: Design Center of Fredericksburg (2.3 miles) Spotsylvania Towne Centre (1.6 miles)

Tags: Madison Court on the map of Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg satellite view, Fredericksburg street view.

Fredericksburg weather live
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Fredericksburg in different languages

Fredericksburg (French, English, German, Dutch, Portuguese)
Фредеріксбург (Ukrainian)
Фредериксберг (Russian)
Фредериксбург (Russian, Serbian)
فردریکزبرگ، ویرجینیا (Persian)
فريدريكسبيورغ (Arabic)
فریڈرکزبرگ، ورجینیا (Urdu)
ფრედერიკსბურგი (Georgian)
フレデリックスバーグ (Japanese)
弗雷德里克斯堡 (Chinese)
프레더릭스버그 (Korean)