Fort Wayne IN MapStreets of Fort Wayne INPhotos from Fort Wayne IN

N Highlands Blvd - streets of Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana, United States

Fort Wayne IN geographical data
City Name: Fort Wayne
Population: 229,715
County: Allen County
State: Indiana
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 41.13° N
Longitude: -85.13°W
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m

N Highlands Blvd - streets of Fort Wayne (Indiana).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to N Highlands Blvd, Fort Wayne, Indiana:

Points of interest located around N Highlands Blvd, Fort Wayne, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Botanical Conservatory (2 miles) Fort Wayne Children's Zoo (0.9 miles) Science Central (1.4 miles)
Business Areas: ITT Industries Inc. (1.8 miles) Raytheon Company (1.7 miles) Summit Square (1.9 miles)
Convention Centres: Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce (1.7 miles) Grand Wayne Convention Center (1.9 miles)
Institutions: Center for Behavioral Health (1.2 miles) St Joseph Hospital (1.5 miles) University of Saint Francis (2.2 miles) Verizon Communications (3.2 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Allen County Courthouse (1.8 miles) Allen County Public Library (1.8 miles) Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (2 miles) Fort Wayne Old City Hall (1.9 miles) Lincoln Tower (1.8 miles) St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church (2.1 miles)
Museums: African American Historical Museum (2.3 miles) Firefighters Museum (1.8 miles) Fort Wayne Museum of Art (1.9 miles) Jack D. Diehm Museum of Natural History (1 miles)
Parks: Franke Park (0.9 miles) Lawton Park (1.4 miles) Old Fort Park (2 miles)
Popular Areas: Fort Wayne Truck Center (1.9 miles) Indiana Michigan Power (2 miles) Water Filtration Plant (2 miles)
Shopping Area: Glenbrook Square Mall (2 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum (2.7 miles)
Theatre: Embassy Theatre (1.9 miles)

Tags: N Highlands Blvd on the map of Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne satellite view, Fort Wayne street view.

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