Pickering Way - streets of Eliot (Maine).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Pickering Way, Eliot, Maine:
Points of interest located around Pickering Way, Eliot, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attractions: Comedy Oasis at The Wet Bar (2 miles) • Isles of Shoals Portsmouth (1.8 miles) • Portsmouth Harbor Cruises (1.9 miles)
Business Area: Redhook Brewery (1.8 miles)
Convention Centre: Portsmouth Market Square (2.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: John Paul Jones House (2.1 miles) • Moffatt Ladd House & Garden (2 miles) • The Warner House Portsmouth (2.1 miles) • Wentworth Gardner & Tobias Lear House (2.4 miles)
Museums: Ello Gallery & Shop (2.2 miles) • Piscataqua Fine Arts (2 miles) • Portsmouth Athenaeum (2.1 miles) • Strawbery Banke Museum (2.3 miles) • Three Graces Gallery (2 miles)
Parks: Albacore Museum and Park (1.5 miles) • Prescott Park Portsmouth (2.4 miles)
Pickering Way on the map of Eliot,
Eliot satellite view, Eliot street view.