Philip Street - streets of Des Moines (Iowa).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Philip Street, Des Moines, Iowa:
Points of interest located around Philip Street, Des Moines, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: Des Moines International Airport (1.6 miles)
Attractions: Brenton Skating Plaza (3.1 miles) • Des Moines Botanical Center (3.4 miles) • Science Center of Iowa and Blank IMAX Dome Theater (2.6 miles)
Business Area: Wellmark/Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa (3 miles)
Convention Centres: Civic Center of Greater Des Moines (2.9 miles) • Iowa Events Center (3.2 miles) • Polk County Convention Complex (3 miles)
Institutions: Meredith Corporation (3.2 miles) • University of Iowa School (2.9 miles)
Landmark / Monument: Des Moines Public Library (2.9 miles)
Museums: Fort Des Moines Museum & Education Center (1.3 miles) • Iowa State of Historical Building (3.2 miles) • State Historical Museum (2.8 miles) • Wallace House Museum (3.3 miles)
Popular Area: Salisbury House (3.5 miles)
Theatres: Ballet Theatre of Des Moines (3.2 miles) • Des Moines Symphony (2.9 miles) • Temple For Performing Arts (2.9 miles)
Philip Street on the map of Des Moines,
Des Moines satellite view, Des Moines street view.