Gallagher St - streets of Dallas (Texas).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Gallagher St, Dallas, Texas:
Points of interest located around Gallagher St, Dallas, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: Dallas Zoo (3.7 miles)
Convention Centre: Dallas World Trade Center (1.9 miles)
Institution: U T Southwestern Medical Center (2 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Memorial (2.6 miles) • Old Red Courthouse (2.5 miles) • Texas School Book Depository (2.5 miles)
Museums: American Museum of the Miniature Arts (2.5 miles) • Conspiracy Museum (2.6 miles) • Dallas Holocaust Museum (2.5 miles) • Dallas World Aquarium (2.6 miles) • Meadows Museum (2.3 miles) • Sixth Floor Museum (2.4 miles)
Park: Reverchon Park (2.5 miles)
Shopping Area: Dallas Market Center (1.2 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: American Airlines Center (2.4 miles) • Reunion Arena (2.6 miles)
Theatre: Dallas Theater Center (3.4 miles)
Train Station: Dallas Amtrak Station (2.6 miles)
Gallagher St on the map of Dallas,
Dallas satellite view, Dallas street view.