Delta Street - streets of Cranston (Rhode Island).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Delta Street, Cranston, Rhode Island:
Points of interest located around Delta Street, Cranston, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: T.F. Green Airport (3.6 miles)
Attraction: Federal Hill (3.3 miles)
Convention Centres: Dunkin Donuts Center (3.6 miles) • Rhode Island Convention Center (3.6 miles)
Institution: Johnson and Wales University (3.5 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Kennedy Plaza (3.9 miles) • Providence City Hall (3.8 miles) • Rhode Island State House (4 miles)
Parks: Roger Williams National Memorial (4.2 miles) • Roger Williams Park (2.3 miles) • Roger Williams Park Zoo (2.1 miles) • Waterplace Park (3.9 miles)
Shopping Areas: Providence Place Mall (3.9 miles) • Westminster Arcade (3.9 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Bank of America Skating Center (4 miles)
Theatre: Providence Performing Arts Center (3.6 miles)
Train Station: Providence Amtrak Station (4.1 miles)
Delta Street on the map of Cranston,
Cranston satellite view, Cranston street view.