Sandy Circle - streets of Carson City (Nevada).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Sandy Circle, Carson City, Nevada:
Points of interest located around Sandy Circle, Carson City, within 30 minutes walking distance.Landmarks / Monuments: Abraham Curry House (3.3 miles) • Bender-Pozzi House (3.1 miles) • Bliss Mansion (3.1 miles) • Chartz House (3.2 miles) • Dat So La Lee House (3.3 miles) • E.D. Sweeney Building (3.4 miles) • Krebs-Peterson House (3.1 miles) • Nevada State Capitol (3.4 miles) • Nevada State Library and Archives (3.5 miles) • Orion Clemens House (3.2 miles) • Paul Laxalt State Office Building (3.3 miles) • Rinckel Mansion (3.4 miles) • Sears-Ferris House (3.4 miles) • Stewart-Nye House (3.3 miles)
Museums: Children's Museum of Northern Nevada (3.2 miles) • Nevada State Museum (3.3 miles) • Nevada State Railroad Museum (4.1 miles)
Popular Area: Nevada Governor's Mansion (3 miles)
Theatre: Brewery Arts Center (3.3 miles)
Sandy Circle on the map of Carson City,
Carson City satellite view, Carson City street view.