Irving Pl - streets of Brooklyn (New York).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Irving Pl, Brooklyn, New York:
Points of interest located around Irving Pl, Brooklyn, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: Canal Street (3.3 miles)
Business Areas: One Chase Manhattan Plaza (3.1 miles) • Wall Street (3 miles)
Institutions: Brooklyn Academy of Music (1 miles) • New York University (3.8 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Brooklyn Bridge (2.6 miles) • City Hall New York (3.1 miles) • Eldridge Street Synagogue (2.8 miles) • Manhattan Bridge (2.3 miles) • South Street Seaport (2.8 miles) • St Paul Chapel (3.2 miles) • Woolworth Building (3.2 miles)
Museums: Brooklyn Museum of Art (0.8 miles) • Children's Museum of the Arts (3.3 miles) • Lower East Side Tenement Museum (2.9 miles) • Merchant's House Museum (3.5 miles) • Museum of Chinese in the Americas (3.1 miles) • New York City Fire Museum (3.9 miles) • New York City Police Museum (2.9 miles)
Park: Washington Square Park (3.8 miles)
Theatres: Bowery Ballroom (3.2 miles) • Orpheum Theatre (3.4 miles)
Irving Pl on the map of Brooklyn,
Brooklyn satellite view, Brooklyn street view.