Brookline MA MapStreets of Brookline MAPhotos from Brookline MA

Roberts Street - streets of Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States

Brookline MA geographical data
City Name: Brookline
Population: 56,079
County: Norfolk County
State: Massachusetts
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 42.33° N
Longitude: -71.12°W
Elevation: 72 ft / 22 m
Districts: Back Bay, Jamaica Plain,

Roberts Street - streets of Brookline (Massachusetts).
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Streets of Brookline MA (433):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Roberts Street, Brookline, Massachusetts:

Points of interest located around Roberts Street, Brookline, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attractions: Boston Duck Tours (2.8 miles) Franklin Park Zoo (2.5 miles) Prudential Tower (2.6 miles)
Convention Centre: Hynes Convention Center (2.3 miles)
Institutions: Berklee College of Music (2.3 miles) Boston College (2.4 miles) Boston Medical Center (2.6 miles) Boston University (1.7 miles) Brigham and Women's Hospital (1 miles) Children's Hospital Boston (1.2 miles) Dana Farber Cancer Institute (1.1 miles) Harvard University (3.3 miles) Longwood Medical Centre (1.2 miles) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2.7 miles) St. Elizabeth Medical Center (2 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: French Library & Cultural Center (3.1 miles) John Hancock Tower (2.9 miles)
Museums: Gibson House Museum (3.2 miles) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (1.5 miles) MIT Museum (2.2 miles) Museum of Fine Arts (1.7 miles)
Popular Areas: Cambridge Boston (2.9 miles) Harvard Gardens (3.2 miles) Harvard Square (3.2 miles) Newbury Street (2.5 miles)
Shopping Area: Copley Place Boston (2.8 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Fenway Park (1.9 miles)
Theatres: Berklee Performance Center (2.3 miles) New England Conservatory of Music (2.1 miles) Symphony Hall (2.2 miles)
Train Station: Boston-Back Bay Amtrak Station (2.8 miles)

Tags: Roberts Street on the map of Brookline, Brookline satellite view, Brookline street view.

Brookline weather live
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Brookline in different languages

Brookline (French, German, Albanian, Dutch, Swedish, English, Indonesian)
Μπρούκλαϊν (Modern Greek (1453-))
Бруклајн (Serbian)
Бруклайн (Kazakh)
Бруклин (Russian)
ברוקליין (Hebrew)
بروکلاین، ماساچوست (Persian)
ブルックライン (Japanese)
布鲁克莱恩 (Chinese)
브루클라인 (Korean)