Nazing Street - streets of Boston (Massachusetts).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Nazing Street, Boston, Massachusetts:
Points of interest located around Nazing Street, Boston, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attractions: Boston Duck Tours (2.9 miles) • Franklin Park Zoo (0.3 miles) • Prudential Tower (2.9 miles)
Convention Centres: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (3.4 miles) • Hynes Convention Center (2.8 miles)
Institutions: Berklee College of Music (2.8 miles) • Boston Medical Center (2.1 miles) • Boston University (3.4 miles) • Brigham and Women's Hospital (2.3 miles) • Children's Hospital Boston (2.3 miles) • Dana Farber Cancer Institute (2.4 miles) • Longwood Medical Centre (2.3 miles) • Tufts-New England Medical Center (3.3 miles) • University of Massachusetts Boston (2.1 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Freedom Trail (3.4 miles) • French Library & Cultural Center (3.3 miles) • John Hancock Tower (3 miles) • World Trade Center Boston (3.7 miles)
Museums: Boston Children's Museum (3.6 miles) • Gibson House Museum (3.4 miles) • Harvard Museum of Natural History (3.4 miles) • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (2.3 miles) • MIT Museum (2.6 miles) • Museum of Fine Arts (2.2 miles)
Park: Boston Commons (3.5 miles)
Popular Areas: Bull & Finch Pub (3.5 miles) • Newbury Street (2.9 miles)
Shopping Area: Copley Place Boston (2.9 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Fenway Park (2.7 miles)
Theatres: Berklee Performance Center (2.8 miles) • New England Conservatory of Music (2.4 miles) • Orpheum Theatre (3.6 miles) • Shubert Theater (3.2 miles) • Symphony Hall (2.5 miles) • Wang Center for the Performing Arts (3.2 miles)
Train Stations: Boston-Back Bay Amtrak Station (2.8 miles) • Boston-South Amtrak Station (2.8 miles)
Nazing Street on the map of Boston,
Boston satellite view, Boston street view.