Berkley CO MapStreets of Berkley COPhotos from Berkley CO

W 52nd Pl - streets of Berkley, Adams County, Colorado, United States

Berkley CO geographical data
City Name: Berkley
Population: 11,686
County: Adams County
State: Colorado
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 39.8° N
Longitude: -105.03°W
Elevation: 5239 ft / 1597 m
Districts: LoDo Denver,

W 52nd Pl - streets of Berkley (Colorado).
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Streets of Berkley CO (25):

Some places to see and things to do, close to W 52nd Pl, Berkley, Colorado:

Points of interest located around W 52nd Pl, Berkley, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attraction: Lakeside Amusement Park (2.6 miles)
Convention Centres: Colorado Convention Center (3.5 miles) Denver Convention Center (3.3 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Denver Larimer Square (3.1 miles) St Elizabeth of Hungary Church (3.5 miles)
Museums: Denver Childrens Museum (2.8 miles) Denver Museum of Miniatures Dolls & Toys (4.1 miles) Forney Museum of Transportation (2.3 miles) Museum of Contemporary Art (2.8 miles)
Park: Six Flags Elitch Gardens (3 miles)
Popular Area: Downtown Aquarium Denver (2.7 miles)
Shopping Area: 16th Street Mall (2.9 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Coors Field (2.6 miles) Invesco Field At Mile High (3.4 miles) Mile High Stadium (3.3 miles) Pepsi Center (3 miles)
Theatres: Denver Center for the Performing Arts (3.3 miles) Denver Performing Arts Complex (3.4 miles) Paramount Theatre Denver (3.4 miles)
Train Stations: Denver Amtrak Station (2.7 miles) Union Station (2.7 miles)

Tags: W 52nd Pl on the map of Berkley, Berkley satellite view, Berkley street view.

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