Albuquerque NM MapStreets of Albuquerque NMPhotos from Albuquerque NM

Janis Drive Northeast - streets of Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Albuquerque NM geographical data
City Name: Albuquerque
Population: 487,378
County: Bernalillo County
State: New Mexico
Country: United States
Capital: Washington
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 35.08° N
Longitude: -106.65°W
Elevation: 4954 ft / 1510 m

Janis Drive Northeast - streets of Albuquerque (New Mexico).
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Streets of Albuquerque NM (5582):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Janis Drive Northeast, Albuquerque, New Mexico:

Points of interest located around Janis Drive Northeast, Albuquerque, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attraction: Cliff's Amusement Park (2.7 miles)
Museum: Anderson Abruzzo International Balloon Museum (3 miles)

Tags: Janis Drive Northeast on the map of Albuquerque, Albuquerque satellite view, Albuquerque street view.

Albuquerque weather live
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Albuquerque in different languages

Albukerke (Latvian)
Albukerkė (Lithuanian)
Albukerke (Uzbek, Azerbaijani)
Albukwér kwé (Uighur)
Albuquerque (Norwegian, English, Polish, Finnish, Dutch, French, Italian, Galician, Slovenian, Hungarian, Swedish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian)
Alburquerque (Spanish)
Beeʼeldííl Dahsinil (Navajo)
Duke City (English)
The Duke City (English)
Αλμπουκέρκη (Modern Greek (1453-))
Албакерки (Macedonian)
Албакърки (Bulgarian)
Албукерки (Serbian)
Албюкуэрокю (Kazakh)
Альбукерке (Chechen, Ossetian, Ukrainian, Russian)
Ալբուկերկե (Armenian)
אלבקרקי (Hebrew)
آلبوکرک، نیو میکسیکو (Urdu)
ألباكركي (Arabic)
البوکرکی (Persian)
आल्बुकर्की (Marathi)
আলবাকার্কি (Bengali)
ਅਲਬੂਕਰਕੀ (Panjabi)
ஆல்புகெர்க்கி (Tamil)
ಆಲ್ಬುಕರ್ಕ್ (Kannada)
แอลบูเคอร์คี (Thai)
ალბუკერკე (Georgian)
アルバカーキ (Japanese)
阿布奎基 (Chinese)
앨버커키 (Korean)