E Kenmar Rd - streets of Albany (New York).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to E Kenmar Rd, Albany, New York:
Points of interest located around E Kenmar Rd, Albany, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: Albany Visitors Center (2.7 miles)
Convention Centres: Albany City Hall (3 miles) • Alfred E. Smith State Office Building (3 miles) • Empire State Plaza (3 miles)
Institutions: Albany College of Pharmacy (3.6 miles) • Albany Law School (3.6 miles) • Albany Medical College (3.5 miles) • State University of New York (3.2 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Cultural Education Center (3.3 miles) • Erastus Corning Tower (3.3 miles) • New York State Capitol Building (3 miles) • New York State Executive Mansion (3.4 miles) • Schuyler Mansion (3.7 miles) • Ten Broeck Mansion (2.5 miles)
Museums: Albany Institute of History and Art (2.9 miles) • New York State Museum (3.3 miles)
Park: Washington Park (3.1 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Times Union Center (3.2 miles)
Theatres: Albany Berkshire Ballet (2.8 miles) • Henry Hudson Planetarium (2.7 miles) • Palace Theatre (2.7 miles) • The Egg (3 miles)
E Kenmar Rd on the map of Albany,
Albany satellite view, Albany street view.