Portsmouth MapStreets of PortsmouthPhotos from Portsmouth

Portsmouth, City of Portsmouth, England - road map and street view

Portsmouth geographical data
City Name: Portsmouth
Population: 194,150
Region: City of Portsmouth
Country: United Kingdom
Capital: London
Currency: Pound (GBP)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 50.81° N
Longitude: -1.07°W
Elevation: 3 ft / 1 m

Portsmouth, City of Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom road map & street view
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Portsmouth (England) road map is the best place to start exploring Portsmouth: accommodation, restaurants, tours, attractions, activities, jobs and more.
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Portsmouth in different languages

Portsmouth (Turkish, Slovak, Dutch, English, Finnish, Spanish, Breton, Italian, Esperanto, Swedish, German, Norwegian, Czech, French, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese)
Portsmut (Azerbaijani)
Portsmuta (Latvian)
Portsmutas (Lithuanian)
Portus Ostium (Latin)
Πόρτσμουθ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Портсмут (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Serbian)
Портсмът (Bulgarian)
Պորտսմութ (Armenian)
פורטסמות' (Hebrew)
بورتسموث (Arabic)
پورتسموث (Persian)
पोर्टस्मथ (Marathi)
পোর্টস্‌মাথ (Bengali)
พอร์ตสมัท (Thai)
ポーツマス (Japanese)
朴次茅斯 (Chinese)
포츠머스 (Korean)