Newcastle upon Tyne MapStreets of Newcastle upon TynePhotos from Newcastle upon Tyne

NEWBURY CLOSE - streets of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

Newcastle upon Tyne geographical data
City Name: Newcastle upon Tyne
Population: 192,382
Region: City and Borough of Newcastle upon Tyne
Country: United Kingdom
Capital: London
Currency: Pound (GBP)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 54.97° N
Longitude: -1.61°W
Elevation: 66 ft / 20 m
Districts: Whickham,

NEWBURY CLOSE - streets of Newcastle upon Tyne (England).
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Streets of Newcastle upon Tyne (2917):

Some places to see and things to do, close to NEWBURY CLOSE, Newcastle upon Tyne, England:

Points of interest located around NEWBURY CLOSE, Newcastle upon Tyne, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Airport: MetroCentre (2.1 miles)

Tags: NEWBURY CLOSE on the map of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne satellite view, Newcastle upon Tyne street view.

Newcastle upon Tyne weather live
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Newcastle upon Tyne in different languages

An Caisteal Nuadh (Scottish Gaelic)
Newcastle (English, Norwegian, Czech, German)
Newcastle trên sông Tyne (Vietnamese)
Newcastle upon Tyne (Polish, Portuguese, Italian, Indonesian, English, Norwegian, Turkish, Dutch, German, Norwegian Nynorsk, Welsh, Finnish)
Newcastle-on-Tyne (English)
Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Romanian, Swedish, Basque, Limburgan, French, Esperanto, Spanish)
Niukaslas prie Taino (Lithuanian)
Novum Castellum (Latin)
Ņūkāsla pie Tainas (Latvian)
Nyukasl apon Tayn (Azerbaijani)
Νιούκασλ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Њукасл на Тајну (Serbian)
Ньюкасл (Russian)
Ньюкасл-апан-Тайн (Belarusian)
Ньюкасл-апон-Тайн (Russian, Ukrainian)
Нюкасъл ъпон Тайн (Bulgarian)
ניוקאסטל (Yiddish)
ניוקאסל (Hebrew)
نيوكاسل أبون تاين (Arabic)
نیوکاسل (Persian)
न्यूकॅसल अपॉन टाईन (Marathi)
নিউক্যাসল আপন ট্যাইন (Bengali)
นิวคาสเซิลอะพอนไทน์ (Thai)
ნიუკასლ-აპონ-ტაინი (Georgian)
ニューカッスル・アポン・タイン (Japanese)
泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔 (Chinese)
뉴캐슬어폰타인 (Korean)