QUEENS DRIVE WALTON - streets of Liverpool (England).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to QUEENS DRIVE WALTON, Liverpool, England:
Points of interest located around QUEENS DRIVE WALTON, Liverpool, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: Croxteth Hall & Country Park (3.3 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Albert Dock (3.4 miles) • Royal Liver Building (3.1 miles) • St. George's Hall Liverpool (2.7 miles)
Museums: Merseyside Maritime Museum (3.5 miles) • Tate Liverpool (3.4 miles) • The Beatles Story (3.2 miles)
Shopping Areas: Liverpool One (3.2 miles) • The Cavern Quarter (3 miles)
Stadiums / Arenas: Anfield Stadium (1.1 miles) • Goodison Park (0.6 miles)
Theatres: FACT (The Foundation for Art & Creative Technology) (3.1 miles) • Philharmonic Hall Liverpool (3.3 miles) • Royal Court Theatre Liverpool (2.8 miles) • Unity Theatre Liverpool (3.2 miles)
Train Station: Liverpool Lime Street Railway Station (2.8 miles)
QUEENS DRIVE WALTON on the map of Liverpool,
Liverpool satellite view, Liverpool street view.
Source: Ordnance Survey Open Data