Lambeth MapStreets of LambethPhotos from Lambeth

SANDMERE ROAD - streets of Lambeth, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Lambeth geographical data
City Name: Lambeth
Population: 6,000
Region: Greater London
Country: United Kingdom
Capital: London
Currency: Pound (GBP)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 51.49° N
Longitude: -0.11°W
Elevation: 59 ft / 18 m
Districts: Bayswater, Belgravia, Chelsea, Clapham, Financial District, Kennington, Knightsbridge, Lambeth, Mayfair, Piccadilly, Pimlico, South Kensington, St James, Strand, Streatham, Tooting, Victoria, Walworth, Waterloo, Westminster, Whitehall,

SANDMERE ROAD - streets of Lambeth (England).
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Streets of Lambeth (1130):

Some places to see and things to do, close to SANDMERE ROAD, Lambeth, England:

Points of interest located around SANDMERE ROAD, Lambeth, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Landmarks / Monuments: 10 Downing Street (2.8 miles) Big Ben (2.6 miles) Buckingham Palace (2.8 miles) London Bridge (3.6 miles) London Eye (2.8 miles) Palace of Westminster (2.6 miles) The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster (2.5 miles) The Mall London (2.9 miles) Trafalgar Square (3.1 miles)
Museums: Imperial War Museum (2.5 miles) Natural History Museum (3.1 miles) Royal Academy of Arts (3.2 miles) Tate Britain (2 miles) Tate Modern Museum (3.3 miles) The Science Museum (3.2 miles) Victoria and Albert Museum (3 miles)
Parks: Green Park (2.9 miles) Hyde Park London (3.6 miles) Leicester Square (3.3 miles) Sloane Square (2.4 miles) St. James's Park (2.8 miles)
Popular Areas: Park Lane (3.4 miles) Piccadilly Circus (3.3 miles) Shaftesbury Avenue (3.4 miles)
Shopping Areas: Harrods (3 miles) Regent Street (3.4 miles) Sloane Street (2.8 miles)
Theatres: Adelphi Theatre (3.3 miles) Apollo Victoria Theatre (2.4 miles)

Tags: SANDMERE ROAD on the map of Lambeth, Lambeth satellite view, Lambeth street view.

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Lambeth in different languages

Lambeth (English)
Waterloo (English)