FOXHAM ROAD - streets of Islington (England).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to FOXHAM ROAD, Islington, England:
Points of interest located around FOXHAM ROAD, Islington, within 30 minutes walking distance.Business Area: London Stock Exchange (3.4 miles)
Institution: University of London (2.7 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Alexandra Palace (2.3 miles) • British Library (2.2 miles) • Marble Arch (3.4 miles) • Moorgate (3.5 miles) • St. Paul's Cathedral (3.4 miles) • Temple Bar (3.3 miles)
Museums: British Museum (2.8 miles) • Madame Tussauds Museum (2.7 miles)
Parks: Leicester Square (3.4 miles) • London Zoo (2 miles) • Regent's Park (2.2 miles) • Russell Square (2.6 miles)
Popular Areas: Aldwych (3.3 miles) • Baker Street (3 miles) • Drury Lane (3.1 miles) • Oxford Circus (3.1 miles) • Oxford Street (3.1 miles) • Piccadilly Circus (3.4 miles) • Shaftesbury Avenue (3.3 miles) • Tottenham Court Road (2.7 miles)
Shopping Areas: Bond Street (3.3 miles) • Regent Street (3.4 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Lord's Cricket Ground (2.8 miles)
Theatres: Adelphi Theatre (3.5 miles) • Aldwych Theatre (3.3 miles) • Dominion Theatre (3 miles) • London Palladium (3.1 miles) • Lyceum Theatre (3.4 miles) • Piccadilly Theatre (3.4 miles)
FOXHAM ROAD on the map of Islington,
Islington satellite view, Islington street view.
Source: Ordnance Survey Open Data