YORK ROAD - streets of Edinburgh (Scotland).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to YORK ROAD, Edinburgh, Scotland:
Points of interest located around YORK ROAD, Edinburgh, within 30 minutes walking distance.Attraction: Trinity College Kirk (2 miles)
Business Area: The Caledonian Brewing Company Ltd. (3.2 miles)
Convention Centres: Edinburgh International Conference Centre (2.2 miles) • The Hub (2 miles)
Institutions: Royal Scottish Academy (1.8 miles) • Scottish Parliament Building (2 miles) • University of Edinburgh (2.4 miles)
Landmarks / Monuments: Edinburgh Castle (2 miles) • National Library Of Scotland (2.1 miles) • Royal Yacht Britannia (0.9 miles) • Scott Monument (1.9 miles) • St. Giles' Cathederal Edinburgh (2 miles) • St. Mary's Cathedral (2.1 miles) • The Palace of Holyroodhouse (2.1 miles)
Museums: Camera Obscura & World of Illusions (2 miles) • City Art Centre (1.9 miles) • Dean Gallery (2 miles) • Museum of Edinburgh (2.1 miles) • National Gallery of Scotland (2 miles) • National Museum of Scotland (2.2 miles) • National War Museum (2 miles) • Our Dynamic Earth (2.2 miles) • Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art (2.1 miles) • Scottish National Portrait Gallery (1.6 miles) • Talbot Rice Gallery (2.2 miles) • Tartan Weaving Mill (2 miles) • The Royal Scots Regimental Museum (2 miles) • The Writers Museum (2 miles)
Park: Royal Botanic Garden (0.9 miles)
Shopping Areas: Multrees Walk (1.6 miles) • Princes Mall Shopping Centre (1.8 miles)
Stadium / Arena: Murrayfield Stadium (2.8 miles)
Theatres: Edinburgh Festival Theatre (2.3 miles) • Edinburgh Playhouse (1.6 miles) • King's Theatre Edinburgh (2.5 miles) • Royal Lyceum Theatre (2.2 miles) • Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre (2 miles)
Train Station: Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station (1.9 miles)
YORK ROAD on the map of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh satellite view, Edinburgh street view.
Source: Ordnance Survey Open Data