Lindau MapStreets of LindauPhotos from Lindau

Kempttalerweg - streets of Lindau, Bezirk Pfäffikon, Zurich, Switzerland

Lindau geographical data
City Name: Lindau
Population: 710
Region: Bezirk Pfäffikon
Country: Switzerland
Capital: Berne
Currency: Franc (CHF)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 47.44° N
Longitude: 8.67° EW
Elevation: 534 m
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Kempttalerweg - streets of Lindau (Zurich).
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Lindau in different languages

Lindau i Sveits (Norwegian Nynorsk)
Lindau ZH (Esperanto, German)
Lintauvia (Latin)
Линдау (Russian)
林道 (Chinese)