Chemin de la Bâtie - streets of Genève (Geneva).
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Some places to see and things to do, close to Chemin de la Bâtie, Genève, Geneva:
Points of interest located around Chemin de la Bâtie, Genève, within 30 minutes walking distance.Airport: Geneva Airport (3.9 km)
Attraction: Lake Geneva (3 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bains des Pâquis (2.9 km) • Cathedrale Saint Pierre de Geneve (2.1 km) • Geneva Town hall (2.1 km) • Jet d'Eau (2.8 km) • Palais des Nations (3 km) • Palazzo (3.6 km) • Waterfountain (3.1 km)
Parks: English Garden (2.3 km) • Flower Clock (2.3 km) • Parc Bertrand (2.9 km) • Parc La Grange (3.5 km)
Popular Area: La SIP (1.3 km)
Shopping Area: Shopping Area Geneve (2.2 km)
Train Stations: Gare de Genève-Sécheron (3.2 km) • Gare des Eaux-Vives (3.4 km) • La Gare de Cornavin (2.1 km)
Chemin de la Bâtie on the map of Genève,
Genève satellite view, Genève street view.