Stockholm MapStreets of StockholmPhotos from Stockholm

Älgpassgatan - streets of Stockholm, Stockholms Kommun, Sweden

Stockholm geographical data
City Name: Stockholm
Population: 1,253,309
Region: Stockholms Kommun
Country: Sweden
Capital: Stockholm
Currency: Krona (SEK)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 59.33° N
Longitude: 18.06° EW
Elevation: 20 m
Districts: Gamla Stan, Norrmalm, Östermalm, Södermalm, SoFo, Vasastaden,

Älgpassgatan - streets of Stockholm
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Streets of Stockholm (3540):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Älgpassgatan, Stockholm, Stockholm:

Points of interest located around Älgpassgatan, Stockholm, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Attraction: Tivoli Gröna Lund (4.1 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Cityterminalen (3.4 km) Kulturhuset (3 km) Royal Palace Stockholm (3.5 km) Stockholm City Hall (3.8 km) Stockholm Concert Hall (2.8 km) Stockholm Tourist Centre (2.9 km) Stockholm Viking Line Terminal (4.6 km) Stortorget Stockholm (3.7 km) Stureplan (2.5 km)
Museums: Dansmuseet (3.2 km) Nationalmuseum (3.2 km) Vasa Museum (3.1 km)
Park: Kungsträdgården (3 km)
Shopping Area: Nordiska Kompaniet (2.9 km)
Stadium / Arena: Stockholms Olympiastadion (1.5 km)
Theatre: Royal Dramatic Theatre (2.8 km)
Train Stations: Stockholm Central Station (3.5 km) T-Centralen (3.3 km)

Tags: Älgpassgatan on the map of Stockholm, Stockholm satellite view, Stockholm street view.

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Stockholm in different languages

Estocolm (Catalan)
Estocòlme (Occitan (post 1500))
Estocolmo (Galician, Aragonese, Spanish, Portuguese)
Estokolmo (Basque, Tagalog)
Holmia (Latin)
Stoccolma (Sardinian, Italian, Corsican)
Stockholbma (Northern Sami)
Stockholm (Faroese, English, Volapük, Norwegian, Welsh, Luxembourgish, Dutch, Ido, German, Afrikaans, Indonesian, Norwegian Nynorsk, Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Asso, French, Hungarian, Czech, Quechua, Swedish, Basque, Danish, Turkish, Croatian, Slovenian, Breton, Romanian, Estonian)
Stockolm (Tahitian)
Stócólm (Irish)
Stokgolm (Turkmen, Uighur, Uzbek)
Stokholm (Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Western Frisian)
Štokholm (Bosnian, Slovak)
Stokholma (Latvian)
Stokholmas (Lithuanian)
Stokholmi (Albanian)
Stokholmo (Esperanto)
Stokkhólmur (Language Name, Faroese, Icelandic)
Stokkolma (Maltese)
Stokolm (Turkish, Haitian, Wolof)
Sztokholm (Polish)
Tukholma (Finnish)
Στοκχόλμη (Modern Greek (1453-))
Стакгольм (Belarusian)
Стокгольм (Mongolian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Chechen, Russian, Ossetian, Kirghiz, Chuvash, Kazakh, Komi)
Стокхолм (Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian)
Стокҳолм (Tajik)
Ստոկհոլմ (Armenian)
סטוקהולם (Hebrew)
שטאקהאלם (Yiddish)
استکهلم (Persian)
ستوكهولم (Arabic)
سٹاکہوم (Urdu)
स्टकहोम (Nepali (macrolanguage))
स्टॉकहोम (Hindi, Marathi)
স্টকহোম (Bengali)
ਸਟਾਕਹੋਮ (Panjabi)
ஸ்டாக்ஹோம் (Tamil)
స్టాక్‌హోమ్ (Telugu)
ಸ್ಟಾಕ್‍ಹೋಮ್ (Kannada)
സ്റ്റോക്ക്‌ഹോം (Malayalam)
สตอกโฮล์ม (Thai)
སི་ཏོག་ཧོ་ལིམ། (Tibetan)
စတော့ဟုမ်းမြို့ (Burmese)
სტოკჰოლმი (Georgian)
ስቶኮልም (Amharic)
ᔅᑑᒃᓱᓪᒻ/stuukhulm (Inuktitut)
ストックホルム (Japanese)
斯德哥尔摩 (Chinese)
스톡홀름 (Korean)