Saint-Louis MapPhotos from Saint-Louis

Saint-Louis - road map and street view

Saint-Louis geographical data
City Name: Saint-Louis
Population: 176,000
Region: Saint-Louis
Country: Senegal
Capital: Dakar
Currency: Franc (XOF)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 16.02° N
Longitude: -16.49°W
Elevation: 24 m
Small towns nearby:
Louga road map

Saint-Louis, Senegal road map & street view
view streets, roads, routes, places, buildings

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Click on the buttons below to display the road map of Saint-Louis, Senegal
Saint-Louis road map is the best place to start exploring Saint-Louis: accommodation, restaurants, tours, attractions, activities, jobs and more.
Tags: Saint-Louis road map, Saint-Louis street view.

Saint-Louis weather live
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Saint-Louis in different languages

Saint Louis (Spanish)
Saint-Louis (English)
Sen Luji (Lithuanian)
Сен-Луі (Belarusian)
Сен-Луї (Ukrainian)
Сен-Луи (Russian)
Сенегалын Сен-Луи (Mongolian)
Սեն Լուի (Armenian)
סן-לואי (Hebrew)
سانت لويس (Arabic)
سن‌لوئی (Persian)
سینٹ-لوئیس، سینیگال (Urdu)
सेन्ट लुईस द्वीप (Hindi)
सेन्ट-लोइस (Nepali (macrolanguage))
სენ-ლუი (Georgian)
サン=ルイ (Japanese)
圣路易 (Chinese)
생루이 (Korean)