Trondheim MapStreets of TrondheimPhotos from Trondheim

Olav Nygaards vei - streets of Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway

Trondheim geographical data
City Name: Trondheim
Population: 147,139
Region: Sør-Trøndelag
Country: Norway
Capital: Oslo
Currency: Krone (NOK)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 63.43° N
Longitude: 10.39° EW
Elevation: 18 m

Olav Nygaards vei - streets of Trondheim (Sør-Trøndelag).
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Streets of Trondheim (1280):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Olav Nygaards vei, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag:

Points of interest located around Olav Nygaards vei, Trondheim, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Landmarks / Monuments: Archbishop's Palace (4.5 km) Nidaros Cathedral (4.6 km) Stiftsgården (4.7 km)
Museums: Art Gallery (4.5 km) Middle Ages Exhibition (4.4 km) Museum of Natural History and Archaeology (4.5 km) National Museum of Decorative Arts (4.7 km) Police Museum (4.5 km) Sverresborg (3.4 km)

Tags: Olav Nygaards vei on the map of Trondheim, Trondheim satellite view, Trondheim street view.

Trondheim weather live
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Trondheim in different languages

Nidaros (Latin)
Nidrosia (Latin)
Troandin (Northern Sami)
Trondheim (French, Danish, Portuguese, Norwegian, German, Finnish, Luxembourgish, Polish, Spanish, Estonian, Esperanto, Dutch, English, Czech, Norwegian Nynorsk, Italian, Indonesian, Swedish)
Trondheimas (Lithuanian)
Tronheima (Latvian)
Þrándheimur (Language Name, Icelandic)
Τρόντχαιμ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Τρόντχαϊμ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Τροντχαιμ (Modern Greek (1453-))
Тронгейм (Ukrainian)
Трондхайм (Bulgarian)
Трондхејм (Serbian, Macedonian)
Тронхейм (Chechen, Ossetian, Bulgarian, Russian, Mongolian, Belarusian)
טרונדהיים (Hebrew)
تروندهايم (Arabic)
تروندهایم (Persian)
ทรอนด์เฮม (Thai)
ტრონჰეიმი (Georgian)
トロンハイム (Japanese)
トロンヘイム (Japanese)
特隆赫姆 (Chinese)
트론헤임 (Korean)