Christchurch MapStreets of ChristchurchPhotos from Christchurch

Garden Road - streets of Christchurch, Canterbury Region, New Zealand

Christchurch geographical data
City Name: Christchurch
Population: 363,926
Region: Canterbury Region
Country: New Zealand
Capital: Wellington
Currency: Dollar (NZD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: -43.53°S
Longitude: 172.63° EW
Elevation: 7 m
Districts: Bryndwr, CBD, Fendalton, Harewood, Mairehau, Riccarton, St Albans,

Garden Road - streets of Christchurch (Canterbury Region).
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Streets of Christchurch (3930):

Some places to see and things to do, close to Garden Road, Christchurch, Canterbury Region:

Points of interest located around Garden Road, Christchurch, within 30 minutes walking distance.

Convention Centre: Christchurch Convention Centre (2.5 km)
Landmarks / Monuments: Bridge of Remembrance (2.4 km) Christchurch Cathedral (2.6 km) The Chalice (2.5 km)
Museums: Canterbury Museum (1.8 km) Christchurch Art Gallery (2 km)
Parks: Hagley Park (1.2 km) The Christchurch Botanic Gardens (1.6 km) Victoria Square (2.3 km)
Popular Areas: Cathedral Square (2.5 km) Christchurch Arts Centre (2 km) SOL Square (2.8 km) The Strip (2.5 km)
Shopping Areas: Cashel Street (2.6 km) Victoria Street (1.5 km)
Stadiums / Arenas: AMI Stadium (4.2 km) Westpac Arena (3.1 km)
Theatres: Christchurch Town Hall of the Performing Arts (2.2 km) Theatre Royal (2.5 km)

Tags: Garden Road on the map of Christchurch, Christchurch satellite view, Christchurch street view.

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Christchurch in different languages

Christchurch (Italian, Norwegian, Basque, French, Indonesian, English, Spanish, Polish, Romanian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Danish)
Christopolis (Latin)
Kraistčērča (Latvian)
Kraistčerčas (Lithuanian)
Kraysçörç (Azerbaijani)
Kraystcherch (Uzbek)
Kristkirko (Esperanto)
Ōtautahi (Maori)
Κράισττσερτς (Modern Greek (1453-))
Крајстчерч (Serbian, Macedonian)
Крайстчерч (Russian)
Крайстчёрч (Russian)
Крайстчерч (Ukrainian)
Крайстчёрч (Ossetian)
Крайстчърч (Bulgarian)
Крайстчэрч (Belarusian)
קרייסטצרץ (Hebrew)
كرايستشرش (Arabic)
کرائسٹ چرچ (Urdu)
کرایست‌چرچ (Persian)
क्राइस्टचर्च (Bihari languages, Hindi, Marathi)
ক্রাইস্টচার্চ (Bengali)
கிறைஸ்ட்சேர்ச் (Tamil)
ക്രൈസ്റ്റ്‌ചർച്ച്‍ (Malayalam)
ไครสต์เชิร์ช (Thai)
ခရစ်ချပ်ချ်မြို့ (Burmese)
კრაისტჩერჩი (Georgian)
クライストチャーチ (Japanese)
克赖斯特彻奇 (Chinese)
基督城 (Chinese)
크라이스트처치 (Korean)