Vientiane MapPhotos from Vientiane

Vientiane, Vientiane Province - road map and street view

Vientiane geographical data
City Name: Vientiane
Population: 196,731
Region: Vientiane Province
Country: Laos
Capital: Vientiane
Currency: Kip (LAK)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 17.97° N
Longitude: 102.6° EW
Elevation: 174 m

Vientiane, Vientiane Province, Laos road map & street view
view streets, roads, routes, places, buildings

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Click on the buttons below to display the road map of Vientiane, Laos
Vientiane (Vientiane Province) road map is the best place to start exploring Vientiane: accommodation, restaurants, tours, attractions, activities, jobs and more.
Tags: Vientiane road map, Vientiane street view.

Vientiane weather live
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Vientiane in different languages

Fanhyiengh (Zhuang)
Ventyan (Uzbek)
Viangchan (Lao, Estonian)
Vienciana (Portuguese)
Viêng Quý (Vietnamese)
Viengchan (Occitan (post 1500))
Viengtjan (Volapük)
Vientian (Slovak)
Vientián (Hungarian, Spanish)
Vientian (Basque)
Vientianas (Lithuanian)
Vientiane (Dutch, French, German, Catalan, Spanish, Swedish, Ido, Danish, Italian, Norwegian, Swahili (macrolanguage), Finnish, Indonesian, English)
Vjenčana (Latvian)
Vjentiano (Esperanto)
Vyantyàn (Haitian)
Vyentyan (Azerbaijani)
Wiën Tsjan (Western Frisian)
Wientian (Polish)
Wyéntyan (Uighur)
Βιεντιάν (Modern Greek (1453-))
Вєнтьян (Ukrainian)
Вентян (Tajik)
Венцьян (Belarusian)
Вијентијан (Serbian)
Виентијан (Macedonian)
Виентян (Bulgarian)
Вьентьян (Russian, Kirghiz, Chechen, Chuvash, Kazakh, Mongolian, Ossetian)
Վիենտյան (Armenian)
ויינטיאן (Hebrew)
فيينتيان (Arabic)
وینتیان (Persian, Urdu)
व्हिआंतियान (Marathi)
ভিয়েনতিয়েন (Bengali)
ਵਿਆਂਗ ਚਾਨ (Panjabi)
வியஞ்சான் (Tamil)
ವಿಯೆನ್ ಟಿಯೇನ್ (Kannada)
വിയന്റിയൻ (Malayalam)
เวียงจันทน์ (Thai)
ວຽງຈັນ (Lao)
ཝིན་ཆིའང་ (Tibetan)
ဗီယင်ကျန်းမြို့ (Burmese)
ვიენტიანი (Georgian)
ቭየንትዬን (Amharic)
ヴィエンチャン (Japanese)
ヴィエンチャン市 (Japanese)
永珍 (Chinese)
비엔티안 (Korean)