Spanish Town MapPhotos from Spanish Town

Spanish Town, Saint Catherine - satellite view and street view

Spanish Town geographical data
City Name: Spanish Town
Population: 145,018
Region: Saint Catherine
Country: Jamaica
Capital: Kingston
Currency: Dollar (JMD)
Geographic coordinates:
  (decimal degrees)
Latitude: 17.98° N
Longitude: -76.95°W
Elevation: 24 m

Spanish Town, Saint Catherine satellite view and street view
view streets, places, buildings and natural landforms

Click on the buttons below to display the Satellite View
Click on the buttons below to display the satellite view of Spanish Town, Jamaica
Spanish Town (Saint Catherine) satellite view - take a tour of Spanish Town from your computer and plan your visit to Spanish Town: accommodation, restaurants, tours, attractions, activities, jobs and more.
Tags: Spanish Town satellite view, Spanish Town street view.

Spanish Town weather live
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Capitals of neighboring countries
Kingston satellite view (Jamaica)

Spanish Town in different languages

Spaniš Taunas (Lithuanian)
Spanish Town (German, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, English)
Σπάνις Τάουν (Greek)
Спаниш-Таун (Russian)
سبانيش تاون (Arabic)
スパニッシュ・タウン (Japanese)
西班牙鎮 (Chinese)